In 2024, Laura was honored to be selected as an alternate baker for the Great American Baking Show. She underwent the same rigorous preparation as the other contestants, mastering a Signature Bake and a Showstopper for six distinct baking disciplines within tight time constraints. This process demanded exceptional dedication and discipline. Ultimately, Laura achieved one of her lifelong dreams: stepping into the iconic Great British Bake Off tent.



Chubbee Kitchen began as a social media baking blog created by Laura Cortés, a passionate home baker on a mission to learn. What better way to grow her skills than by exploring the works of exceptional authors and chefs through their cookbooks?

In 2019, Laura launched the One Book/Two Months project, dedicating two months at a time to baking her way through a single cookbook, making as many recipes as her schedule allows. She showcases her creations through her own styling and photography, sharing recipe feedback and engaging content with her audience on social media @chubbeekitchen.


One Book/Two Months

Over the years, Laura has explored a wide range of baking disciplines by working through multiple cookbooks, gaining extensive experience along the way. Always approaching recipes from a home baker’s perspective, she evaluates them for accessibility and success. Today, Laura offers recipe testing and photography services to help recipe developers refine their creations, ensuring recipes are print-ready and deliver reliable results for home bakers.


In March 2024 Laura was interviewed for The Crumb Podcast with Brian Hart Hoffman.

She was honored to be interviewed by Bake from Scratch Magazine for the November/December 2020 issue:

She was also interviewed by Voyage Austin in November 2021 as part of their Hidden Gems series of local businesses and creatives to know in Austin, TX:

In February 2022 Laura was interviewed by Dean Jones from The Well Seasoned Librarian podcast. You can listen to it here.

Check the Chubbee Kitchen Instagram page for the latest Projects.

Visit Chubbee Kitchen’s Portfolio to see favorite bakes and photographs.


Recipe Testing and FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Laura offers recipe testing and content creation services, ensuring recipes are accurate, optimized for home bakers, and yield successful results.

  • She documents the process through video or photography for social media use and can promote recipes or books to her engaged audience of bakers.

  • Laura can test new or existing recipes, provide detailed feedback with recommendations, and assist in retesting updates.

  • Her services cater to both European and American markets in English, Spanish, and French.

  • For more details, check the Services page.